Friday, December 19, 2008

Bumby ride

My car has been really giving me grief lately. Granted, it has 144,567 miles on it but I'm sure I have more miles than that and I run just fine!

It's the bumps. The ride just isn't smooth like I expect it to be. Yes, I've changed the shocks, struts, greased up the bearings, checked the axles and even tightened the spare tire below.

It's an aggravating clunk that reminds me of the way some people thud through the house like a ballerina with concrete shoes. These are the little things that happen over time; you begin to notice the irritating habits and quirks that just might make or break your relationship. "Should I just get rid of this old heap?"

Then, on a bad day, you do your research (the way you should have done before you put down a deposit!) and find that you could have had something that went along far more smoothly. Too late. Now you are stuck with a lemon.

So what is the lesson in all this? When you shop for your car, you do the research. The more thorough you are, the less chance you will have of winding up with a car you don't like. The other side of that is that maybe you are a tad bit too picky. The joy of any relationship (whether it be with a car or another person) might just be to recognize that there will be times when the ride isn't smooth in spite of your careful selection but that it is just part of the package and the package is still well worth keeping.

mama j

1 comment:

blank said...

Can you really find out about someone before it is too late? Even if you spend a lot of time with a person and ask people about that person, their bad side might not show until way later. They could be a child predator or killer but just not have gotten caught yet. Or they could be an unsincere bad person. Is it bad to be too picky? I know women who have certain qualities they would like in a partner but they never end up getting married because they cannot find someone who they feel is good enough for them. But you will never find your perfect match if you just go for someone who doesn't meet your expectations. The person you have waited for your whole life could come down the road years later and it would be too late because you are already married and have kids. Love is so complicated. Is there a person who is predistined for you to marry or does it just come by chance?