Sunday, March 1, 2009

Under Construction

What’s up with perpetual construction on the freeways? Orange barrels dented and thumped from months of standing guard as the watchmen for the never-ending asphalt trucks and busy workers. Don’t they ever rest? Nope.

Freeways are high maintenance – so are some dates. Have you ever noticed how a particular boyfriend or girlfriend seems to be “under construction” for months, even years at a time? What’s up with that? Every few feet there is another blatant warning that you will encounter a slowdown or bottleneck in the flow of your relationship. You find yourself exhausted from a constant state of “alert” and white-knuckling for hours on end. In an honest moment, you tell yourself it’s just not the way the trip was supposed to be. And yet you drive on not knowing where it will end.

Here’s the good news. There is always another way. Always. You do not have to go down that road. Sure, that was the plan but you don’t have to wait until you have close encounter with rebar and wire mesh protruding from broken concrete before taking the next exit. You can pick another route. Really, put on your turn signal and give it a try – you might actually find that you like the smoother, quieter option.

mama j