Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year's Grieve

Here is your math quiz for the day -

1. What is the likelihood of you crossing physical boundaries with your date when you have had one drink? How about two? Five?

The National Campaign this time of year is to keep teens from drinking and driving. Now, parents open their "finished basements" to boys and girls to have their own new Year's Eve party. Parents feel they are keeping their kids safe from an accident but in reality, teens now have the option of drinking and crossing physical boundaries and don't have to worry about wrecking their car in the process. How nice.

Here is your reality. You cross the lines, drinking and/or having sex and you can guarantee there will be a reason to grieve the next day. Hung-over? Vomit in your hair? Take a pregnancy test and that will lighten the mood. Guys, sit there with her while she waits for the results. They are your results too, remember?

mama j