Sunday, September 21, 2008

Define Dating...

O.k. Let's face it. Not everybody thinks of dating in the same way.
You're the expert. How do you define dating?

Student comments ONLY! Best definition will win a signed copy of my book, Dater's Ed. Winner will be announced September 28th!


mama j said...

Be specific!

Anonymous said...

To me, dating means that two people are romantically interested in one another, and so they explore those feelings in a seperate setting from school or work or where ever they see each other most.
-rachel "almost rosie" bendert

Michael Denemy said...

Congratulations on finishing the book Mrs. Jander. I came across this on MySpace.
To me, dating can have several different meanings. One of these meanings is that it is like a "getting to know you" phase in a relationship.
On a true one on one date, the two people are actually able to see how a person acts alone or with you, not how they act when they are with other people such as their friends.
It's more or less a stepping stone, as there is really no commitment yet, it is more like a Baskin Robbins free sample. If you don't like what you see, then you can stop there and just stay friends, and get out before much damage is done, but if you really feel that sort of attraction/connection then you may set up more dates to figure out more similarities, and differences that you have with this significant other.
Of course farther down the road, dating can be for fun, or can also be used as a refresher. Couples can go out on say a Friday night and just have fun, not all dates have to be roses and romantic. These dates strengthen relationships as you will accumulate more memories, and jokes that you can remember on a later date.
As for the refresher part, sometimes things can seem somewhat stale in a relationship. Couples may do the same old thing very often, and that can in fact become very boring. Dating can switch things up from the bland hanging out watching TV, to something more exciting such as a carnival, or a sports event, or things of that sort.
So basically to say all this in fewer words, dating is used to meet people and to explore what kind of feelings that you may have which each other (lust, love, boredom, etc.). It can be a nice way to relieve the stresses and the tensions that build up during school and work. I believe that everyone should try dating several times in their lives.